Educational programmes

Published: 1/4/2019 Modified: 13/5/2022
The Croatian National Bank organises a variety of educational lectures for primary school, secondary school and university students on topics within the competence of the central bank.

Do you know what the Croatian central bank does and what its role is? Learn how to save, how to use internet banking or how to open a bank account. Find out what security features protect kuna banknotes against counterfeiting.

The Croatian National Bank aims to make its lectures interesting and informative. We therefore look forward to your questions, suggestions and comments.

Interest for our lectures and workshops should be expressed at least 10 working days in advance in order for a timely booking. The earlier your submit your booking request the more likely you are to secure your preferred date and time.




Croatian National Bank's role and tasks secondary school students university students
Find out more about the role, objectives and tasks of the Croatian central bank, about price stability and the manner in which the CNB conducts its monetary policy.

CNB's monetary policy and the environment in which it operates secondary school students university students
Find out about the main objective of the Croatian National Bank, how it is achieved and maintained. Learn about the importance of price stability and other CNB objectives.

CNB's monetary policy instruments and liquidity management university students
Learn what instruments and measures the Croatian central bank uses to regulate credit activity and bank liquidity, as well the quantity of cash in circulation.

Financial stability university students
Learn why financial stability is key for sustainable economic growth and what makes up a financial system of a country; what measures are used to ensure financial stability and what is the role of the CNB in Croatia's financial stability.

Supervision of credit institutions secondary school students university students
Learn why and how the Croatian National Bank supervises the operations of credit institutions. Find out about the special rules that all credit institutions have to comply with and learn about supervision and its main objectives.

Cashless payments and market trends university students
Learn about cashless payments, how they are regulated, how they function and how they are supervised, as well as who are the providers of payment services.

Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing university students
Find out about the measures and activities undertaken to prevent the use of illegally earned money or its use for terrorist financing. Learn why money laundering and terrorist financing are damaging to the economy and society as a whole.

Security of internet and mobile payments university students
Learn more about the abuse connected to internet and mobile banking and about the ways users can protect themselves.

Adoption of the Euro in Croatia – strategy, costs and benefits secondary school students university students
What does the adoption of the euro mean for Croatian citizens? Learn about the benefits of euro adoption and the size and nature of expected costs.

Consumer protection – institutions and consumers secondary school students university students
Find out about the steps taken by the Croatian National Bank to protect consumers, learn now consumer protection is regulated when it comes to the users of banking and financial services in the Republic of Croatia and what information the central bank provides aiming to better inform the public.

Development of money and banking basics primary school students
What is money and how did it come about? What is the role of the central bank and other banks? Why is it good to save? How does electronic banking work? Find out the answers to these and other questions on money and banking.

Basic information about banking products and services secondary school students
Find out who controls the financial market in Croatia; learn what every consumer should know before opening a payment account, a savings account or taking out a loan. You will also receive a reminder of security recommendations regarding internet payments and the use of internet or mobile banking.

Managing personal finances secondary school students university students
You will learn why it is important to manage personal finances and how to make a personal budget plan, how internet and mobile banking may help and where to get the necessary information to be able to reach good financial decisions.