
Published: 1/2/2015
Relevant regulations in the area of payment operations in the Republic of Croatia are presented in this chapter.

Payment operations of a country should have a well-established, clear, transparent and enforceable legal basis for each important aspect of activities and in all competent areas of jurisdiction.

A solid legal basis is of key importance for an effective functioning of the overall payment system. The legal basis defines or gives corresponding parties the basis for defining the rights and obligations of its participants. The majority of risk management mechanisms are based on assumptions on the manner and the time when these rights and obligations arise. If the legal basis for the activities and operations of the payment system is inadequate, uncertain or non transparent, it may lead to payment system participants or their clients to face unplanned, uncertain or unusable credit or liquidity risks, which can also give rise to or increase systemic risks.

Decision on safeguarding the payment service users and electronic money holders' funds

Area Payment operations, E-money
Published (OG 13/2025)

Decision on transaction accounts

Area Payment operations, Payment systems
Published (OG 13/2025)

Decision on the obligation to submit data on payment statistics for the purposes of the European Central Bank

Area E-money, Payment operations
Published (OG 150/2022)

Foreign Exchange Act

Area Foreign exchange operations
Published (OG 96/2003)

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2360 of 3 August 2022 amending the regulatory technical standards laid down in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/389 as regards the 90-day exemption for account access

Area EU Legislation
Published (Službeni list EU L 312/2022)

Payment System Act

Area Payment operations
Published (OG 66/2018)

Electronic Money Act

Area E-money
Published (OG 64/2018)

Act on Amendments to the Payment System Act

Area Payment operations
Published (OG 114/2022)

Act on Amendments to the Electronic Money Act

Area E-money
Published (OG 114/2022)

Regulation (EU) 2020/2011 of the European Central bank of 1 December 2020 amending Regulation (EU) No 1409/2013 on payment statistics (ECB/2013/43)(ECB/2020/59)

Area EU Legislation

Guideline (EU) 2021/832 of European Central Bank of 26 March 2021 on reporting requirements on payments statistics (ESB/2021/13)

Area EU Legislation

Odluka o izmjenama i dopunama Odluke o uvjetima i načinu na koji ovlašteni mjenjači obavljaju mjenjačke poslove

Area Foreign exchange operations
Published (NN, br. 68/2022.)

Guidelines on the limited network exclusion under PSD2

Area EU Legislation
Published (EBA/GL/2022/02)

Revised Guidelines on major incident reporting under PSD2 – enters into effect on 1 January 2022

Area EU Legislation
Published (EBA/GL/2021/03)

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1722 of 18 June 2021 supplementing Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the framework for cooperation and the exchange of information between competent authorities ...

Area EU Legislation
Published (Official Journal of the EU L 343/2021)
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