About us

Functions and structure
The operational functions and organisational structure of the central bank are aimed to facilitate the realisation of its primary objective and tasks.
Information for consumers
By conducting its consumer protection policy, the Croatian National Bank strives to contribute to the development of standards and good practice in the provision of banking and financial services to co...
Ostvarivanje osnovnog cilja i izvršavanje zadataka Hrvatske narodne banke, kao i njezin ugled u domaćem i međunarodnom okružju, nezamislivi su bez visoke profesionalnosti u radu i osobnog doprinosa sva...
Public procurement
The Croatian National Bank is subject to the Public Procurement Act
Financial statements
The Croatian National Bank prepares financial statements in accordance with Article 60 of the Act on the Croatian National Bank (Official Gazette 75/2008, 54/2013 and 47/2020) governing the application...
The building in which it is situated is a protected cultural property and the most renowned work of the architect Viktor Kovačić.