Bilanca HNB-a

Published: 7/3/2023

U tablici se iskazuju podaci o potraživanjima i obvezama Hrvatske narodne banke.

Promjene u tablicama statističkog pregleda monetarne statistike


Published: 28/2/2023

Table C1 Balance sheet of the Croatian National Bank

The table shows data on Croatian National Bank assets and liabilities in line with the methodology of the ECB.

Foreign assets include the following forms of claims on non-residents: gold, claims on the International Monetary Fund (special drawing rights and the reserve position), foreign cash in the vault, loans and deposits with foreign monetary financial institutions (including net claims in TARGET2 accounts and deposits related to international reserves transferred to the ECB), security investments that include the ECB's paid-up capital as well as net claims related to the Eurosystem euro banknote allocation that are claims associated with the application of the banknote allocation key.

Claims on general government are investments in the securities of the Republic of Croatia.

Claims on credit institutions are loans to credit institutions related to monetary policy operations and other claims comprising the CNB's deposits with credit institutions. Loans also includes all claims arising from monetary policy operations the CNB started before joining the Eurosystem.

Claims on other domestic sectors are loans and other claims on other domestic sectors.

Other assets include non-financial and other assets. Non-financial assets comprise tangible and intangible assets. Other assets comprise financial derivatives, suspense and restricted items, accrued interest and the rest.

Banknotes and coins in circulation (distribution according to the ECB’s key) refer to the CNB’s share in the total issue of euro banknotes of the Eurosystem and to euro coins issued by the CNB.  The total value of euro banknotes is allocated to each central bank of the Eurosystem applying the ECB’s subscribed capital key, as envisaged by Decision ECB/2010/29 of 13 December 2010 on the issue of euro banknotes (and subsequent amendments ESB/2022/46). In 2023, this position also includes kuna banknotes and coins that have not been withdrawn from circulation. 

Banknotes and coins in circulation (net) are euro banknotes and euro coins issued into circulation as well as banknotes and coins denominated in kuna that have ceased to be the legal tender, but have remained in circulation in the euro cash changeover year.  

Credit institutions’ deposits consist of funds in TARGET2 accounts (including the minimum reserve system), overnight deposits as well as other deposits and loans received from credit institutions.

General government deposits are general government current accounts with the Croatian National Bank.

Deposits of other resident sectors are current accounts as well as other resident sectors’ other deposits and loans received with the Croatian National Bank. 

Foreign liabilities include non-residents’ current accounts and loans received as well as the allocation of International Monetary Fund’s special drawing rights. 

Capital and reserves include reserves, provisions and income and expense accounts.

Other liabilities comprise financial derivatives, suspense and restricted items, accrued interest and the rest.