Bank lending survey

Published: 15/10/2012 Modified: 18/7/2018

The Croatian National Bank started conducting the Bank lending survey in October 2012. The survey aims to provide an insight into the developments in standards and the terms and conditions for bank lending, and the changes in loan supply and demand in Croatia. Survey results will help in understanding credit market developments and thus support the analytical and research tasks of the central bank, and will serve as support for the adoption of monetary policy decisions. Also, survey results will be an additional benefit for the business community and general public. The Bank lending survey is methodologically aligned with the one conducted for the euro area by the European Central Bank since 2003 (the Euro area bank lending survey).

The survey encompasses 17 questions, 13 of which relate to developments in the past three months, i.e. in the previous quarter, while four are directed at expectations in the following three months, that is, in the following quarter. The survey will be conducted four times a year, at the end of each quarter. Questions are grouped with regard to two types of banks' credit portfolios: households and corporates. For both sectors, the questionnaire includes questions which are intended to differentiate the effect of supply and demand factors on banks' credit activity.