Press releases

Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs

Changes in the disclosure of supervisory information and information on the banking system

Date 30/12/2020

Supervisory indicators

Central bank digital currency – a new fashion or a need?

Date 30/12/2020

Information on the banking system

Date 16/10/2017

Methodology - supervisory indicators

Date 29/12/2020

Troškovi službenih putovanja dužnosnika HNB-a

Government of the Republic of Croatia adopts National Euro Changeover Plan

Date 24/12/2020

EBA objavila informacije za klijente financijskih institucija iz Ujedinjene Kraljevine o kraju prijelaznog razdoblja u vezi s Brexitom

Finance for Sustainable Growth, 11 December 2020

Date 23/12/2020

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