The Croatian National Bank regularly publishes supervisory data related to the banking system. Thus far, such data have been published within the framework of several different materials:
- the Banks Bulletin provided an analysis of the situation and developments in the banking sector of the RC on an aggregate basis, as well as basic information on individual credit institutions, as at the end of the previous year ;
- the Prudential data on credit institution operations (Tables SP6) showed tables and figures from the Banks Bulletin on an aggregate basis, as well as provided basic information on individual credit institutions, as at the end of the first half of the year;
- the Prudential data on credit institutions presented tables with the basic data on the operation of credit institutions (tables SP1 and SP2), data on loan quality of banks (SP8) and data on sold claims (SP7) on a quarterly basis.
Based on the analysis of the situation to date and taking into account the needs of key users of data and publications, as well as the approaches of the competent authorities of other EU Member States, it has been concluded that Banks Bulletin and Prudential data on credit institution operations no longer play the same informative role as when they were first introduced and in the initial years of their publication. Therefore, their publication was discontinued.
However, in order to continue to provide the public with adequate supervisory data and information on the banking system in a timely manner, the publication system has been changed so as to include a wider scope of published data and to adjust the data to the currently applicable supervisory reporting framework and the identified needs of the public.
Within the framework of these changes it also came to methodological changes. Former tables showing aggregate data were related only to banks, i.e. did not include housing savings banks. Instead, the aggregation level has been raised up to the credit institution level (banks and housing savings banks altogether), meaning that every disclosure encompasses the entire credit institutions' system in the RC and thus strengthens the information process.
In addition, the indicators are methodologically aligned with those of the European Banking Authority, to be comparable with the data for the European banking system.
To make the novelties in the supervisory data system as clear as possible, former tables (that started with the prefix SP) will be relocated to the Archive section, and eight new tables will be introduced in their place, bearing the prefix SV:
SV1 | Data on credit institution operations |
SV2 | Selected indicators of the structure, concentration and performance of credit institutions |
SV3 | Loan quality of credit institutions |
SV4 | Geographic distribution of loans granted by credit institutions |
SV5 | Data on sold claims of credit institutions during the reporting period |
SV6 | Breakdown of selected statement of profit or loss items of credit institutions |
SV7 | Own funds and risk exposure of credit institutions |
SV8 | Financial statements of credit institutions |
Table SV1 is the successor of tables SP1 and SP2. It will show key operation indicators broken down by credit institution. A novelty in comparison to tables SP1 and SP2 are the items Return on assets (ROA), Return on equity (ROE), Leverage ratio and Liquidity coverage ratio.
Table SV2 is a new table which will show selected indicators of the structure, concentration and performance of credit institutions on an aggregate basis.
Table SV3 in the successor of table SP8 and the only change relates to the fact that the new table presents data on the quality of loans of credit institutions and not only banks.
Table SV4 is a new table showing the geographic distribution of loans granted by credit institutions on an aggregate basis. In order not to repeat the amounts already presented in table SV3, data in this table are reported in the form of a percentage share.
Table SV5 is the successor of table SP7 and brings no data changes because housing savings banks did not participate in the sale of claims.
Table SV6 is a new table showing the breakdown of selected statement of profit or loss items of credit institutions. Specifically, it provides a sectoral distribution of interest income and expenses and a detailed breakdown of income from fees and commissions.
Table SV7 is a new table containing data on the structure of own funds and risk exposure of credit institutions.
Table SV8 is the successor of Prudential data on credit institution operations. It will present the balance sheet and statement of profit or loss of each credit institution.
Tables SV1 to SV7 will be updated on a quarterly basis and table SV2 twice a year (at the end of the first half of the year and as at the audited end of the previous year).
Together with the described new tables a short informative text will be published on banking system developments with every new data publication. The intention is to provide a short description of the main trends at the end of each quarter, in addition to the publication of data, i.e. provide an overview of developments in key items and indicators in comparison to the end of the previous year, based on the data from the SV table package.
All of the changes described above will be implemented on the website as of today.