Responding to the initiative and invitation of the Croatian National Bank to deputy clubs of the Croatian Parliament, the CNB management met with the Deputy Club of the Croatian Social Liberal Party and Peoples’ Party – Reformists at the CNB premises today. As a response to the interest expressed by the deputies, the members of the central bank management made a presentation on the National Euro Changeover Plan, as well as the participation in the exchange rate mechanism ERM II. The Governor and the management also discussed other important topics on introducing the euro with the deputies concerned.
On behalf of the Deputy Club of the Croatian Social Liberal Party and Peoples’ Party – Reformists the meeting was attended by Dario Hrebak (Chairperson of the Club) and Darko Klasić (member of the Club). The participants from the Croatian National Bank were Governor Boris Vujčić, Deputy Governor Sandra Švaljek, Vicegovernors Martina Drvar, Ivana Jakir-Bajo, Michael Faulend, Bojan Fras and Roman Šubić, as well as Chief Operating Officer Tomislav Presečan and Chief Economist Vedran Šošić.
The Croatian National Bank organises meetings with deputy clubs of the Croatian Parliament in order to continue and broaden the mutual exchange of information and dialogue between the Croatian Parliament and the central bank.