Press releases

Međunarodne pričuve i utjecaj tečajnih razlika na financijski rezultat poslovanja HNB-a

Households turn to real estate due to low deposit interest rates

Date 31/10/2019

CNB Vicegovernor Martina Drvar elected as Member of the EBA Management Board

Date 30/10/2019

Razumjeti rizike, ali ne ugušiti inovaciju

Room for monetary policy stimulus decreasing

Date 24/10/2019

Preparations for a crisis should be made during the growth period

Date 23/10/2019

Information on the access of new payment service providers to payment accounts maintained at banks

Date 18/10/2019

Methodology - trade in international services

Date 19/1/2016

Obavijest o pretvaranju institucije za platni promet u instituciju za elektronički novac (Aircash d.o.o., Zagreb)

CNB Council session: Growth forecast for 2019 revised down slightly to 3%

Date 9/10/2019

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