Where is the NRR published

Published: 29/5/2020 Modified: 1/3/2023

The CNB quarterly publishes the new computed NRR on its website in the section National reference rate and the history of published data in the file National reference rate (NRR). The CNB’s Release calendar shows data releases planned.

In the file National reference rate (NRR), the CNB publishes aggregated quarterly indicators of banks’ funding expenses ("EXPENSES" sheet) and monthly indicators of banks’ funding to which these expenses refer ("FUNDING" sheet) as well as the NRR computed for the observed periods of 3, 6 and 12 months ("3M NRR", "6M NRR" and "12M NRR" sheets). The explanations of any additional adjustments of data included in the computation of aggregated indicators for a certain period, made in order to include all data relevant for the NRR computation and exclude any unreliable data or data that could distort the computation, are published separately. Pursuant to the Act on the Introduction of the Euro as the Official Currency in the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette 57/2022 and 88/2022), in addition to the data published for the third quarter of 2022, the CNB also published the provisional NRR ("PROVISIONAL NRR" worksheet), available in the tables in the Archive.